Leading with Intent by I.Liv – July Newsletter

Explore the transformative power of leadership and its profound impact on organizational success with strategies toward effective leadership.

Welcome to this month’s edition of “Leading with Intent,” where we focus on the transformative realm of leadership, a topic at the heart of every thriving organization. This issue draws significant inspiration from the pioneering insights of Susan Colantuono, whose influential work on women’s leadership has profoundly influenced our perspective and approach at I.Liv. 

Colantuono’s concepts, particularly her discussion of The Missing 33%—the often-overlooked business, strategic, and financial acumen essential for reaching the highest echelons of leadership—serve as a cornerstone for our exploration this month. As we get into these critical areas, we embrace Colantuono’s philosophy that leadership is using one’s inherent greatness to achieve extraordinary outcomes while engaging the greatness in others. 

Join us as we unpack these ideas further and explore how they shape our initiatives and empower our community of leaders.

This Month’s Highlights

1.Beyond the Checkbox: Women Leaders as the Linchpin of Organizational Success

Are women in management roles simply a diversity checkbox, or the cornerstone of your company’s competitive edge and operational success?

The presence of women in leadership roles is more than just a metric of diversity—it’s a pivotal factor in determining a company’s competitive edge and operational success. While strides have been made in recent years to increase female representation in leadership positions, women still face significant underrepresentation in management across various industries worldwide. This discrepancy is not just a challenge to overcome but an opportunity to enhance organizational resilience and performance.

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2. Bridging The Gap: What’s Holding Back Women in Leadership?

Exploring the evolving landscape of corporate leadership development, this month we spotlight Susan Colantuono’s influential insights on the underrepresentation of women in top executive roles—a matter that calls for urgent discussion and strategic action. Despite progress towards gender diversity, a critical gap she identifies as The Missing 33% remains in leadership development. Colantuono defines leadership as “using the greatness in you to achieve and sustain extraordinary outcomes by engaging the greatness in others.” This perspective is pivotal in her renowned TED Talk and her book “No Ceilings, No Walls”.

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Performance Boost Tip: Sharpen Your Strategic Thinking with Scenario Planning

Strategic thinking is crucial for effective leadership, helping you to anticipate future challenges and seize opportunities. At I.Liv, we advocate for actively practicing strategic thinking through targeted exercises like scenario planning, which refines your ability to make proactive, informed decisions.

Why This Matters: Regular scenario planning enhances your ability to navigate uncertainties and pivot strategically in response to potential future events. This skill is indispensable for leaders aiming to drive their organizations towards long-term success.

How to Do It:

  1. Identify a key project or goal.
  2. Monthly, outline 2-3 potential future scenarios—considering market conditions, competitor moves, or internal changes.
  3. For each scenario, develop a brief action plan to tackle challenges and leverage opportunities.
  4. Discuss these scenarios with your team or mentor to gain diverse perspectives and refine your approach.

Integrating scenario planning into your routine not only boosts your strategic acumen but also prepares you to lead confidently through complexities.

Thank you for joining us this month. We look forward to continuing to support your journey toward boosting leadership and business success.

Lead Boldly, Live Intentionally,

Sandra & Idana

Co-Founders, I.Liv

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